When I first saw the topic, I was trying to decide if I was going to be seeing a thread about a stream broadcasting UFC battles 24/7 or the UFC going after streamers. Now I know.
Pursuing internet trading only makes the problem worse. When you tell people they can't do something relatively harmless that they enjoy doing, those people will tend to find a way around it or become a such a thorny problem to deal with that it wasn't worth it. Just look at the movie and music industry. Sales were at record levels until they started hunting people down. Only then, did sales begin to plummet. People still pirated, but refused to pay an overzealous company hellbent on every single penny/yen/mark.
Some people feel that after shelling out >= $45, they should at least get to watch it more than once.
The UFC isn't the movie or music industries, though. If they want to take action against live streams, I really don't see a huge problem with that. That is their primary source of revenue. But if they want to shut down all internet trading, they're itching for a fight they can't possibly win.
Joe said it best: "You can't stop the internet, baby!"