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 Post subject: ..:: MMA Competition Rules ::.. (Updated 2025)
PostPosted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:32 pm 
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MMA Competition Rules


The Competition System allows you to pick the winner(s) of one or several fights, and will grant you an award if you pick the correct outcome.

When a new competitions is announced and "Open" you can enter it and select the outcome of the fights, until the timer reaches 0. When the timer reaches 0 the competition go into "In progress" mode until the event is over. From that point you can no longer enter the competition. Once the event and all fights are over the competition goes into "Finished" mode. The next days after the event the results are entered by our moderators and you get credited or not for your correct picks.

Correct picks will earn you 0.5 GB (512 MB) and incorrect will deduct 0.1 GB (102.4 MB) when the fights results are in. You will be notified about your gain/loss in a private message here on the tracker when the results are entered. All competitors statistics are saved and visible on the competition results page as well as on the general leaderbord.

When a new competition is published you may enter and select the winner, or draw, of the fights available. When you click "Opponent 1" or "Opponent 2" or "Draw" a second window asking you to confirm your selection pops up. Once you have confirmed your selection there is no way to change it so make sure you select the correct opponent. You can select the outcome of one or more fights but you dont have to select the outcome of all fights if you do not want to.

You can select the outcome of one or more of the fights, and then leave and come back again on a later occasion and then choose the outcome of the previously unselected fights. But once a fights outcome is selected you can not change it!

Once the timer has reached 0 you can no longer select the outcome of any fights so make sure to get your picks done in time.

If a fight is changed after the competition was announced and opened, if a fight ends as a no contest or if a fight gets cancelled after the competition has started, the fight will not be counted at all. It will be considered a cancelled fight in the competition system.

The winner(s) of each competition wins a fancy shiny belt and 25 GB's.

The participant that has the most correct picks by the end of the year wins the big prize of 2000 GB.

TOP 20 will also get a special reward.

There might be more prizes to win not yet specified.


Competitions page

Global leaderbord


Good luck!

Feel free to post bugs you encounter, suggestions or your thoughts about the competition system in this thread.

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 Post subject: Re: ..:: MMA Competition Rules ::..
PostPosted: Fri Jan 31, 2025 6:03 am 
Site Admin
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Joined: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:53 pm
Posts: 13619
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Updates to the competitions for 2025:

1. Only Numbered UFC events, (and possibly some interesting major event from another promotion) will be featured (not fight nights) during 2025.
2. If more than 5 members get first place it will be considered "too even" and they will not get a belt. Only if 5 member or less win first place will it be split among them.

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