1- CLICK FILE > Create New Torrent...
2- ADD FILE : Lets you add a single file as a .torrent file
3- ADD DIRECTORY: Lets you add a directory (I.E folder) as a .torrent file
- Now click and add FILE or DIRECTORY depending on your file type
4- Select source: This is the path to the file you have just chosen
5- Tracker URL: ***Very Important*** MMA-Torrent URL: Auto-Detect should be selected, this way Utorrent will calculate your .torrent file and not you
7- Tick Private torrent
8- Once all your infos are set, Click Create and Save as...
9 & 11- Now observe the bottom portion "Progressive bar" which tells you how much percent did Utorrent compile your .torrent file thus far. Once you see the green bar reach its max (FULL), press the CLOSE button.
10- This screen should show up just before STEP 9, which asks you where to save your .torrent file, once the location is chosen press SAVE
11- Press Close