
[Poll] Who is your favourite welterweight fighter
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Author:  v1ce [ Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Poll] Who is your favourite welterweight fighter

GSP: p4p the best! I agree on PMBR's post that GSP's style is not the most exciting style, but it's still a winning style by a way he moves the fight in whatever angle he wishes to want it to go to.
Also why I picked GSP is because of his character. Like Fedor he has a very calm and humble personality. He backs up everything he says what he is going to do. And sometimes I can just sit back and laugh about the comments GSP "tries" to make. :D

Dan Hardy:
Unlike GSP, Hardy's the raw one! I didnt follow most of his fights but still he manages to reach his way to the top on a brutal style verbally ( the comment towards Koscheck: He's a turd who just don't get flushed down :D ) and in a fighting way! I just can't wait for this saturday!

Paul Daley:
Got my hopes for this young dude! His knockout punches speak for itselves!

Author:  Dragonfoxy [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: [Poll] Who is your favourite welterweight fighter

First pick is GSP. He is so damn fast and a very complete fighter. He also looks a bit like a bald Jean-Claude van Damme :lol:

Dan Hardy is my second one. Man that boy has got heart and strength too. Plus his entrance song rocks.

Last pick was Diaz. I like his style of demolition.

Author:  humpty [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Poll] Who is your favourite welterweight fighter

I'm going to go with 'Judo' Jimmy Wallhead on this one. One of the hardest working, most underrated fighters in europe.

Looking forward to seeing him in Bellator. :twisted:

Author:  Dent [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Poll] Who is your favourite welterweight fighter

Paulo Thiago - Nick Diaz - Matt Serra

I wanted to pick Dan Hardy. But finally I had to choose these guys over him, but he deserves to be mentioned!

Thiago - I like his style, and his background makes him interesting. Good fighter that I hope will be the GSP killer (lol).

Diaz - Love the brothers, they have their own fighting style and are really good at it. Always great to watch and controversial fighter.

Serra - Dont know why but I love the guy. Funny, small whatever, still a hell of a fighter and just the way he talks LOL I love it.

Author:  noizer [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Poll] Who is your favourite welterweight fighter

i have to go with zaromskis. great fighter, always entertaining.

Author:  weech [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 3:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Poll] Who is your favourite welterweight fighter

1. Thiago Alves
2. Marius Zaromskis
3. Dustin Hazelett

Author:  LARMORE [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Poll] Who is your favourite welterweight fighter

Nick Diaz - very exciting to watch, and his punches are insane. He's no slouch on the ground either, so he is a complete fighter. I'd like to see him rumble in the current UFC Welterweight division, and see if he can make a better UFC run that he did years ago.

Paul Daley - love his attitude, trash talk, and the fact that he can knock someone clean out. I don't like his chances against Koscheck, but if he knocked Koscheck out, it has to be the coolest thing of 2010.

Matt Hughes - it doesn't matter how big of a douche Hughes is outside of the cage; he will dominate you in a fight. He's the fighter who elevated the division, and still has a few fights left in him. Renzo Gracie is in for a long night at UFC 112.

Author:  polyh3dron [ Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Poll] Who is your favourite welterweight fighter

Paulo Thiago: Dude has had the TOUGHEST string of opponents in the UFC from the get go. Yeah Fitch "beat" him the same way he "beats" everyone. For some reason it seems that the UFC really is trying to make him fail, I mean after beating Mike Swick they put him up against Kampmann? He has beaten 2 out of the 3 top AKA guys in the division (unlike Hardy who only beat Swick). They should have scrapped the Fitch/Alves fight and put on the Battle Of The Thiagos, which leads me to my next pick:

Thiago Alves: Dude is a BEAST. I want to see him fight GSP again because I think he has a shot at beating him. I also think he may be able to break through Fitch's takedowns. I really really hope he takes Fitch out of the running. I can't STAND that guy.

Marius Zaromskis: Yeah I know Diaz destroyed him which broke my heart, but holy shit those head kick KOs were AWESOME.

Honerable Mention - Paul Daley: I can't wait to see him knock Kos the fuck out. I can't stand any of the AKA welterweights; Fitch: the most boring fighter in history, Koscheck: Faking eye pokes and then actually poking the other guy and then getting the hot octagon girls fired when they call a spade a spade? Fuck off. Chandella's man face still haunts me. Swick: overrated.

Author:  Dragonfoxy [ Mon May 03, 2010 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Poll] Who is your favourite welterweight fighter

The results have been whispered in my ear and I just did not want to keep this a secret. So here they are:

1. Georges St. Pierre 14% [ 11 votes ]
2. Nick Diaz 13% [ 10 votes ]
3. Dan Hardy 12% [ 9 votes ]
3. Paulo Thiago 12% [ 9 votes ]
5. Marius Zaromskis 11% [ 8 votes ]
6. Thiago Alves 9% [ 7 votes ]
7. Paul Daley 8% [ 6 votes ]
7. Matt Serra 8% [ 6 votes ]
9. Other 7% [ 5 votes ]
10. Martin Kampmann 1% [ 1 vote ]
10. Carlos Condit 1% [ 1 vote ]
10. Dan Hornbuckle 1% [ 1 vote ]
10. Matt Hughes 1% [ 1 vote ]
10. Pat Miletich 1% [ 1 vote ]

Other included Dustin Hazelett and Jimmy Wallhead.

The rest had no votes.

It was a close match and it almost went to a decision from the judges but as often GSP managed to get the best result, followed by Nick diaz and a split between Dan Hardy and Paulo Thiago.

Only a few more polls left and then we can combine the results. Thanks again for voting and do not forget to do so at the open polls we have.

Author:  Dent [ Sat May 08, 2010 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: [Poll] Who is your favourite welterweight fighter

What, did noone choose Kosh? :P

GSP worthy winner and Interesting runners up :)

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