
How Dana White Just Took Over The MMA World
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Author:  BlackSpade [ Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:49 pm ]
Post subject:  How Dana White Just Took Over The MMA World

OK, here's my theory on Josh Barnett popping positive in his fight against Fedor:

First the summary. Dana White was behind it. He probably paid Barnett to pop positive.

Now before you say "no way", hear me out.

Who and what are we talking about here? For starters, we're talking about several key people.

* Dana White, the President of the UFC, who will soon be a billionaire, known for tightly controlling his fighters with extensive contracts and shrewd negotiations. But Dana hasn't just been lucky. He's made sure the UFC has success by crushing his competition. Dana White doesn't just make sure his own events are good: He does whatever he can do to crush other organizations. One of the ways he does that is to make sure his superstar performers (and their SPONSORS) do no business with other fight organizations. In so doing, all of his marketing efforts remain closely guarded, promoting ONLY the UFC.

* Josh Barnett, former UFC heavyweight contender; having beaten Randy Couture, he was awarded and then stripped of the Heavyweight Title Belt after a post-fight steroid test revealed the presence of performance enhancing or banned substances. The question I'm asking myself is: "If I was Dana White, and I wanted to bring down M-1 Global (the only organization that poses a threat to UFC dominance in the sport), how would I go about doing it? Hey, Barnett, c'mere and lemme talk to you for a second". Barnett is the tiny crack in the armor of M-1 Global.

* Fedor Emelianenko. With a current record of more than 30 spectacular unanswered heavyweight wins, some say he is unstoppable. So why isn't he in the UFC? Mostly, Fedor disagrees with Dana about how much control the UFC has over its fighters. Fedor wants to go where the fights are, and the UFC contracts say you can only fight when we say and where we say. These are the same contractual control mechanisms that were used successfully against the UFC's biggest stars (Randy Couture, Tito Ortiz, and Ken Shamrock, among others). In all cases, the needs of the UFC come first, even if it means a fighter misses out on financially getting ahead elsewhere. No matter what your opinion of the UFC or MMA, no one can argue that the biggest MMA star outside of the UFC is Fedor Emelianenko. Some say he is the last unbroken stallion yet to be tamed by MMA bowties.

Now, against that backdrop, I'm thinking about the fact that this is approaching a BILLION dollar industry. I'm thinking about the fact that Dana White has said he intends to crack the billion dollar mark. I'm thinking the only thing standing in his way is M-1 Global, since Kimbo Slice almost singlehandedly bankrupted Elite XC with his loss to underdog Seth Petruzelli (another example of how smaller, desperate organizations can sometimes put all of their eggs in one fighter's basket). The UFC stands in the Ocatagon virtually unopposed, with Elite XC under their feet, PRIDE bought and paid for, and only M-1 Global still standing.

But a good look at M-1 Global a couple of weeks ago would have revealed that the organization's position was relatively shaky. For one thing, it hadn't developed very deep pockets, since most of what it tooks in was spent on the handful of stars it had managed to hold onto. For another thing, two weeks ago, it was hanging all of its hopes and dreams on one key fight: Josh Barnett vs. Fedor Emelianenko. This one fight was drawing enormous buzz, and would probably have put the M-1 Global organization on the map, had it ever materialized.

If I was Dana White, and my competition was putting all of its hopes and dreams on a single fight, how far would I be willing to go to shoot their best bomber down, and establish total air superiority?

In my opinion, a cool million or two in cash- completely off the books- would be enough to get Josh Barnett to pop positive on a steroid test just a week and a half before the M-1 Global main event. And for a cool one or two million bucks, I, Dana White, could sink the biggest (and only) organization out there that poses a threat to total UFC dominance in the exploding world of Mixed Martial Arts. With that relatively small investment, the biggest fight in the world -outside of the UFC- would no doubt be canceled, and with it the future of M-1 Global.

In my theory, Dana White makes the proposition, Josh Barnett becomes independently wealthy, M-1 Global collapses like Elite XC before it, and the UFC reigns supreme. And to put the cherry on top, the biggest independent MMA star in the world- Fedor Emelianenko- is left without a home, without a place to fight.

All of a sudden a contract with the UFC doesn't look so restrictive, does it?

Author:  LARMORE [ Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Dana White Just Took Over The MMA World

This is the most retarded thing I've read in the entire month of July.

Barnett NEVER wanted to fight Fedor; not back in the PRIDE days, and definitely not now. He was looking for a way out, and found it. He is a coward; when are some of you going to accept that reality? Fact of the matter is, Barnett is an unimpressive, incredibly papered- and protected-Top 10 fighter, and only shot up to #2 because a bunch of PRIDE nut-huggers think anyone who fights Fedor is OMG NUMBR TWO~!!!.

Affliction was NEVER a threat to the UFC. The UFC hosts nearly two dozen events each year, and is the NFL of Mixed Martial Arts. Affliction, on the other hand, was a non-profitable, inconsistent sideshow that ran off the back of one guy... and even then, Fedor couldn't make a profit and have them be a regular promotion.

The level of stupidity among at least half of MMA's fanbase has no limits.

Author:  Dent [ Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Dana White Just Took Over The MMA World

I think there is a logic in the way you think Blackspade, a logic that I can more then understand. I was thinking myself that this played into UFC´s pocket extremely well and the timing was crucial. Im pretty sure it would have been even cheaper to bribe a functionary of the commision that made the tests, would probably not even have cost more then a few hundred thousands. And off course its obvious that Zuffas tactic is to crush all threaths against them.

On the other hand I agree that Affliction never rose to the status of being a big cometition and Im not sure that there was any need of pushing any buttons for the cardhouse to crash. As former speaker said, all eggs in one basket is suicide in this business and the Barnett vs Fedor fight was that.

I think there are so much more things happening behind the scenes that we dont have the faintest clue about. personal opinions and secret deals, Tom Atencio being fed up with the whole thing etc, but most of all there are mayor TV companys etc involved with whole boards of executives that make decitions based on things we probably never will understand or see.

Dana White is a great businessman and so are the Fertita brothers. I have no reason to think that they wanted to "crush" Affliction or spend millions on doing it but it wouldnt have been hard for them to do it in a million ways if they wanted to.

IMO this was just a chain of random events that lead to the end of Affliction and no backstabbing plan, but then I could be wrong.

Author:  LARMORE [ Sun Jul 26, 2009 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Dana White Just Took Over The MMA World

The best part about it, is this is the second time Barnett has tested positive for steroids... but, nevermind the reality. It is just much easier to scapegoat big bad evil Dana White who killed PRIDE and is bad for the sport! :roll:

Author:  BlackSpade [ Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Dana White Just Took Over The MMA World

I actually do have two theories on this matter. The first post was theory "A".

Theory "B" is much more far fetched.

My theory "B" involves Josh Barnett simply being so stupid he ruins an amazing world class opportunity not merely once but twice by taking banned substances. :lol:

Author:  poppyfire [ Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Dana White Just Took Over The MMA World

B. More plausible and as far as we know, what happened. A is good fanfic though. ;)

Author:  Dent [ Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How Dana White Just Took Over The MMA World

C. Aliens replaced Barnetts urine as an experiment.

lol will we ever know the truth?

Author:  LARMORE [ Tue Jul 28, 2009 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How Dana White Just Took Over The MMA World

The real culprit behind Barnett's piss test is Tito Ortiz.

Being a pro-wrestler, Barnett obviously uses a performance enhancing drug of some kind, so he needed help with getting some clean piss. Being the friend that he is, Tito volunteered to do so.

However, Tito put on the wrong blue suit that day and gave him the bad piss that was meant for Lyoto Machida.

Author:  BlackSpade [ Wed Jul 29, 2009 2:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How Dana White Just Took Over The MMA World

LARMORE wrote:
The real culprit behind Barnett's piss test is Tito Ortiz.

Being a pro-wrestler, Barnett obviously uses a performance enhancing drug of some kind, so he needed help with getting some clean piss. Being the friend that he is, Tito volunteered to do so.

However, Tito put on the wrong blue suit that day and gave him the bad piss that was meant for Lyoto Machida.

Fuckin' Tito! I knew it!

Author:  res0r9lm [ Sun Aug 02, 2009 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How Dana White Just Took Over The MMA World

Now if I'm not mistake this was the 3rd time he has tested positive not 2nd. He denied this last positive test and was retest and failed that one also so if you want to get technical he failed 4 times

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