
Discussion about cannabis consumption and MMA - "I got my HASH pipe!"
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Author:  gorecki [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:16 am ]
Post subject:  Discussion about cannabis consumption and MMA - "I got my HASH pipe!"

I wonder how many fans and fighters smoke weed? i mean.. fighters as in ppl who train to fight but are not having to get druged tested.. so non pros.. now in nor cal its kinda just a way of life.. i get that.. but with rogan and eddie bravo in high times.. makes me think we are many.. any one ever have honey hash oil?! holy mother of lets get fuckered! wow!

Author:  Dent [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!

To be perfectly honest gorecki. I dont think it's about how many mma fans or fighters smokes weed. Its in general. I think as the older generations fade away and younger come along, we will see less and less alcohol and more and more soft drugs like marihuana. It's just natural. So much less violent and so much less problems for society.
I would estimate that 75% of our member smoke, have smoked or dont give a shit if you do or not, and I think its same in society in general.
If its up to me I prefere it to alcohol as I have so many bad experiences and seen so much shit, both personal, to friends and to family with booze.

But the ideal thing is not to have to drug yourself isnt it. Be happy without anything.
But the sum of the vice is constant so if you dont do one thing you will another, and in that case better weed then booze.

%%- :ympeace:

Author:  coenvg [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!

I'm dutch but never got high =:) ,
but yea joe rogan says it all the time on his podcast, thathe smoked weed with a majority of UFC champs =)) .

Author:  Dent [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 10:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!

I know about 4-5 dutch guys well, good friends. Only 1 smokes.... And that is my general impression of almost all dutch people I meet. Very few seem to be smokers, at all.

In sweden on the other hand where we have an extremely restrictive law and a general assumption that marihuana and heroine is basicly the same thing, I noticed that over 50%, if not more, of my friends seem to smoke cannabis often to daily.

Seems forbidding it is not working as well as allowing it! I f the goal is to reduse the usage that is. It's maybe hard to wrap your head around it, but it seems as if, when you allow something, for some reason when people get the possibility to make up their own mind about it they usually do the smart thing. It is probably better to inform, educate and be open about it then forbid it and make it tabu in the long run.

Just like MMA.

Author:  SyMBi0TiK [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!

hey hey hey hey... smoke weed every day!
but thats just my opinion... :-bd
whether its speeding or drugs... if it was legal it wouldnt be "cool"...
it would just be a normal part of every day life and not a problem...
making stuff illegal makes young people want to do it more...
i think this effect decreases as peoples age increases...
but if you tell someone young not to do something...
they are gonna do it anyway just to be like fuck you! %-(
i know thats how i was and still am to some degree...

Author:  Dent [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!

Yeah!. Every time they say they will stop filesharing I think of 100 new ways of doing it. They just make us more creative with their sad attempts to stop time and evolution. Trying to forbid something that people wants is just speeding up the process of it as each time you stop something people want they find 1000 new ways of getting it. They are loosing their time and money. See: Roman Empire

May I just say that as a sports fan I dont think any kind of drugs, alcohol, weed or even steroids are positive for you. And you should stay away from them. But Im also a strong believer in the we are each unique, different and have he right to do what we want with our lives. Each person to his. You wanna smoke weed do it, you dont, well then dont. But if you are a dedicated athlete there are no doubts that keeping your system clean is the absolutely most intelligent thing to do.

Author:  rstandley [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 2:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!

I had to quit smoking weed, switched to a vaporizer instead. :D

Author:  Kamara666 [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!


Author:  mizantrop [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!

Go and sniff some glue. Cheapest option.

Author:  SyMBi0TiK [ Wed Mar 09, 2011 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!

im a dedicated athlete but smoking weed is beneficial for me...
my sport is obviously long term tv watching...
some days i go for 12hrs+ straight! :-bd

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