
Discussion about cannabis consumption and MMA - "I got my HASH pipe!"
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Author:  gorecki [ Thu Mar 10, 2011 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!


Marijuana is not a drug!
Saget says so!

I seen him! lol

Author:  ridah [ Thu Mar 10, 2011 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!

I am Aussie, i like a beer, never ever tried any drugs including Weed, i just dont see the need or the point, i have friends who do it, too me with them just sitting around smirking and laughing it looks like a shitty way too spend a weekend, alcohol though you have jokes, you get out and dance have a good laugh.

So i guess watching my friends ruin / maybe not ruin there lives with weed puts me off it

Author:  gman7 [ Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!

I honestly really enjoyed reading everyones comments here especially Dents. I smoked weed when I was young but stopped. I also used to smoke cigarettes which I quit a little over a year ago. Those things really do hold back an athletes body. I'm actually really thankful I stopped smoking weed because it does, for me anyway, somewhat cloud the mind. Although it is "non-addicting" I actually believe that it is addicting from personal experience. Not in a crackhead type way but you can become dependable on it. And I believe we should try to break ourselves away from dependencies.

But in all seriousness, quitting smoking cigarettes was the best thing I did. I ran about 7:00 miles while smoking. Once I quit, I ran 7:15!! (Go figure) and then went down from there. I run about 6:30 min miles now and feel so much better doing it. It was difficult at first because of all the years of gunk built up in my lungs I spat out, esp at jiu-jitsu practice. But I am very thankful to be non-dependent on any substance.

I do drink occasionally in moderation. And if you do smoke weed, I don't have a problem with it just not around me. And I would also encourage moderate use, not overdoing anything in life. Because as I have learned the hard way a few times, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

Author:  Dent [ Thu Mar 10, 2011 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: I got my HASH pipe!

gman7 wrote:
I honestly really enjoyed reading everyones comments here especially Dents. I smoked weed when I was young but stopped. I also used to smoke cigarettes which I quit a little over a year ago. Those things really do hold back an athletes body. I'm actually really thankful I stopped smoking weed because it does, for me anyway, somewhat cloud the mind. Although it is "non-addicting" I actually believe that it is addicting from personal experience. Not in a crackhead type way but you can become dependable on it. And I believe we should try to break ourselves away from dependencies.

But in all seriousness, quitting smoking cigarettes was the best thing I did. I ran about 7:00 miles while smoking. Once I quit, I ran 7:15!! (Go figure) and then went down from there. I run about 6:30 min miles now and feel so much better doing it. It was difficult at first because of all the years of gunk built up in my lungs I spat out, esp at jiu-jitsu practice. But I am very thankful to be non-dependent on any substance.

I do drink occasionally in moderation. And if you do smoke weed, I don't have a problem with it just not around me. And I would also encourage moderate use, not overdoing anything in life. Because as I have learned the hard way a few times, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing.

Good post! (*)

Author:  gorecki [ Thu Mar 10, 2011 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discussion about cannabis consumption and MMA - "I got my HASH pipe!"

and like i said.. where im from in nor cal.. its just a way of life.. i honestly know more people who smoke weed.. than dont smoke.. most my family members.. friends.. coworkers.. its kinda just how it is.. also ppl might have bad experiences from smoking shit weed.. here.. we have the best! cali hawaii.. canada.. besides that.. most places have shit smoke! as far as sitting around being unmotivated.. maybe on days i get home from work and im gonna veg anyways.. but normaly.. snowboarding swimming fishing anything artistic and creative waterparks! wifes boaring ass friends houses lol and most of all right before a fight card! all great times to burn a phatty! then you start to call the fight and say shit joe rogan says.. 30 seconds b4 he does.. and ur friends think ur an mma god! lol great times all in good fun! life is about fun! hmmmm and supporting your family! as katt williams would say.. that one goes out to all you bitch niggaz!

Author:  Dent [ Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discussion about cannabis consumption and MMA - "I got my HASH pipe!"

As this was sucha hot subject I made a poll on the tracker about it. You find it in the right column of blocks as always with the polls. Please vote.

Im also curious about out members general view on this.

Author:  sly [ Fri Mar 11, 2011 5:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discussion about cannabis consumption and MMA - "I got my HASH pipe!"

depending on what your smoke/vape, your character, and your situation it can actually help

I would smoke before grappling class as sober I'm all over the place, smoking helps me to concentrate and restrain myself

vaping before a workout should increase your capacity to take in oxygen, and there's some very interesting studies showing pot facilitates "flow" aka "being in the zone". some interesting stuff about it was posted some time ago on the roganboard.

all you can really say is the choice of using cannabis or not is very personal, you can't just make a blanket statement, people can have completely different experiences with it, which may aid or impair then in certain situations

consider this: eddy bravo put his while 10th planet system together while being as high as he could get (then again eddie bravo also is kind of a high energy all over the place guy)

Author:  ridah [ Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Discussion about cannabis consumption and MMA - "I got my HASH pipe!"

Author:  Dent [ Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Discussion about cannabis consumption and MMA - "I got my HASH pipe!"

sly wrote:
depending on what your smoke/vape, your character, and your situation it can actually help

I would smoke before grappling class as sober I'm all over the place, smoking helps me to concentrate and restrain myself

vaping before a workout should increase your capacity to take in oxygen, and there's some very interesting studies showing pot facilitates "flow" aka "being in the zone". some interesting stuff about it was posted some time ago on the roganboard.

all you can really say is the choice of using cannabis or not is very personal, you can't just make a blanket statement, people can have completely different experiences with it, which may aid or impair then in certain situations

consider this: eddy bravo put his while 10th planet system together while being as high as he could get (then again eddie bravo also is kind of a high energy all over the place guy)

I think this kind of summarizes the situation in a very nice way, not all drugs are for all people. Defenitely not, and not for all situations, and not necesarily bad always. Each thing has its positive and negative sides and for some it might be positive! But I think you should add that there is an alternative and it is not to use too ;)

Author:  SyMBi0TiK [ Sun Mar 13, 2011 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Discussion about cannabis consumption and MMA - "I got my HASH pipe!"

and saget is a smart dude...
we should all take his advice... ^:)^

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