Hello all!
We have a sub forum where us members can make requests for material to be uploaded to the tracker.
This Request forum viewforum.php?f=49 is restricted to registered users of both the MMA-Torrents Forum & tracker.
The Forum is open for anyone to register, while the tracker is private and invite only.
But to be able to see and read, as well as post of course (duh) in the Request Forum, you have to be a registered user here in the forum, as well as on the tracker.
Registered members of both the tracker and forum can access the Tracker Request Forum by using the forum specific password.
The password is available on registered tracker members account page.This is the MMA-Torrents Forum. You are currently reading this post here in the forum.
If you have an account on the tracker I encourage you to register here in the forum as well if you have not already done so. This is done separately, this forum is open for registration so just register! No invite is needed.
I also recommend that you use the same username on both the tracker and the forum. If you have already registered with different usernames you can contact an administrator and request to have them synchronized.
As soon as you have registered and are logged in to the forum in you will be able to see the Request forum where you have to enter the forum specific password.
Check "Log me in automatically each visit" on login so that you do not have to login each time to make things easier

Thats all.
Any questions feel free to post here.