
Problems with downloading a torrent
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Author:  rdn0206 [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Problems with downloading a torrent


I have been receiving a redirection to a Torrent Privacy web page when I click on the torrent link for the download. This page tells me to subscribe to their service in order to be allow to download the file. Can anyone help me on how to skip this or if this can be eliminated.

the path is the following:

link removed by admin ;) (Ill keep it safe)

This happen to me when I try to download something from this forum and from other torrents sites.


Author:  Dent [ Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Problems with downloading a torrent


You did good in asking here. I will try to help you.

From what i hear it sounds like you are infected with a harmless but extremely irritating viruslike thing that directs all your search results and links to the same page. They want you to pay, aka they want your cash. Dont give it to them.

Luckily many before you have had this same problem so simply googeling will help you to remove it.

please check the different search results you see when following the links below and see if you can find a solution to the problem that way ... t&gs_rfai= ... 8&oe=utf-8

If not you are always welcome to come back and we will do our best to help you out.

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