
Events Ratings without spoilers?
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Author:  DasGuntLord01 [ Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:32 am ]
Post subject:  Events Ratings without spoilers?

One of the problems that I have is not knowing how good an event is going to be without looking up the spoilers, and I was just thinking how nice it would be to have a spoiler-less rating system, a simple "Was this event worth your bandwidth" poll. Then I could see at a glance if other people enjoyed it.

Wading through the torrents comments is time consuming, and looking at the number of seeders doesn't nessesarily tell me how good the event was, just how many people downloaded it.


EDIT: For example, if we had a poll for MFC23, I wouldn't have downloaded it. :P

Author:  Lyoto [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Events Ratings without spoilers?

That would assume that the rest of us that downloaded it, didn't like it. ;) I like the idea but I don't think is practical in that sense as a lot of people can still vote that they like it and then you would be even more pissed off :P

Author:  Dent [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Events Ratings without spoilers?

I actually read this post and made the "How good where the TUF 10 finales?" poll thats shown on all pages of the tracker as a small test.

I found that as you cant see the results without voting or pressing I just wanna see the results, either you have to watch it first or your vote will not count, so its kind of not as it should.

Unfortunately the poll doesnt show the results without a vote been made by you so maybe some other system or some kind of open poll...

Have to think about it.

Author:  lenoz [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Events Ratings without spoilers?

I actually really like this idea. Whilst I religiously download any UFC, and, at least at the moment, any Strikeforce events that air, it'd be great to have spoiler-free ratings of MFC and so on - this latest MFC event being the perfect point in case!

Obviously a poll is no good because you need to rate to see the ratings, but I think a simple forum thread for each event - "Event Name: Spoiler-free ratings" - would suffice. Would only take a moment to flick down and read people's ratings, a few words of review (if allowed) and so on.

The joy of a great community like this is that there really isn't likely to be a bunch of idiots who mess it up by either;
  • posting spoilers (and if this idea has Official Support then spoilers in these threads can be treated with the same punishment as abusing the shoutbox), or
  • artificial ratings in the form of unwarranted extreme lows and highs, or rating without viewing the event.

Another bonus - with the person's username next to each rating, you could quickly pick up the ratings for a group of users who you already trust and respect on the site (e.g. admins), or who you have over time tended to agree with in terms of their event ratings.

Overall, this would be great!

Author:  Dent [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Events Ratings without spoilers?

Good idea mate, I will create such a thread!

Thx :)

Author:  Dent [ Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Events Ratings without spoilers?

Guys start rating!



Author:  Bigfan70 [ Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Events Ratings without spoilers?

I agree. One can say 'great fights' or 'great event' without telling who won... Cuz sometimes events can be a little boring.

Author:  Dent [ Tue Dec 08, 2009 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Events Ratings without spoilers?

yeah i actually think its a great idea, I have started two new topics, TUF 10 Finales and K-1 and feel free to make your own of any past events and I and the other guys will jump on and rate them too :)

Good work guys! I love community creativity!!!

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