subvertbeats wrote:
Right, but how many other clients available now implement uTP, other than uTorrent?
And how many uTorrent users are using that setting (across all trackers, not just this one) ?
I totally appreciate what you're saying Ob, but until uTP has support in other clients, the groundswell probably wont be large enough to make it worthwhile
The nice thing about bt.transp_disposition 31 is that it enables all transfer protocols, TCP, uTP, and the new uTP header. Also, the official BitTorrent client version 6.x supports uTP.
In my experience thoroughly testing this option however, the best solution right now is to force your utorrent client to accept only TCP for both outgoing and incoming connections. Even if you set bt.transp_disposition to 13 (forcing outgoing connections to TCP but allowing incoming uTP connections), seeds will still end up connecting to peers with uTP. This hinders the seeder's upload speed and therefore the peer's download speed as well.
One of the primary functions of uTP is to throttle down upload bandwidth on you local machine to keep you from hitting your bandwidth cap(if you have one), and/or to help keep your ISP from having to dedicate too much of their bandwidth to BitTorrent traffic. This could be good news is if you have ever suspected your ISP of throttling your bandwidth speeds down like I have. Something like uTP might give them less of a reason to throttle your internet speed, or overall BitTorrent traffic speed down.
The problem is that uTP
very negatively affects upload speeds. That seems like the last thing someone would want using a ratio tracker like this, unless you have a very high and stable ratio. Sub had it right the first time -
All utorrent users who want the best upload speeds should uncheck the "Enable bandwidth management" option (for utorrent 2.0 or higher) under the BitTorrent options, or on earlier versions change bt.transp_disposition from 15 to 5 under the advanced options. In 2.0 both options do the exact same thing - if you change one the other will too.
For some reason I still can't get the blazing upload speeds I got while using Deluge, but what we have discovered here is enough of an improvement to utorrent's upload speed for me to keep using it.