
Bill to Legalize MMA in NY Out of the Gate Early in Senate
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Author:  JonnyMuzz [ Sat Mar 12, 2011 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Bill to Legalize MMA in NY Out of the Gate Early in Senate

I am happy to report that New York Senate Bill 1707A, i.e. the bill to authorize mixed martial arts in New York, is off to an early start in the Senate Standing Committee on Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation.

Specifically, the bill is on the Tourism Committee Agenda for next week.

As you may recall from earlier posts, the bill is sponsored by District 47 Senator, Joseph A. Griffo, of Utica New York and originates in the Tourism Committee.

Last year, although the bill passed the full Senate in mid-June, it was not debated and referred, i.e. passed, out of the Tourism Committee until Juneā€“near the end of the legislative session.

For a discussion on what happens after the bill passes the Senate, see this post. Essentially, because there is a virtually identical bill that has been introduced in the Assembly, that bill must follow its committee progression (similar to the Senate bill) and ultimately pass the full Assembly before the joint bill would go to the Governor for signature.

The Assembly, of course, was the sticking point last year. The bill was referred out of the Tourism Committee (of which Assemblyman Reilly is a member), the Codes Committee, and ultimately hit a wall in the Ways and Means Committee where no action was taken.

While I hesitate to read too much into anything when it comes to New York politics, in my view, the early action on the bill in the Senate (in particular, before the budget process has been resolved) is a step in the right direction.

By the time the bill passed the Senate last year it was near the end of the legislative session, which did not give proponents of legalizing MMA in the Assembly too much time to use that leverage and publicity to work on pushing the bill in the Assembly.

Now, however, if the Senate can pass the bill in April or even early-May, there will be more time to force the issue in the Assembly.

If this happens, I think the New York grassroots movement can be a critical force by getting the issue on the radar of representatives (who are not otherwise sponsors of the bill or aware of the issue) up in Albany.

I will continue to monitor.

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Author:  Dent [ Sat Mar 12, 2011 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bill to Legalize MMA in NY Out of the Gate Early in Senate

about time that story comes to an end, its starting to be quite pathetic. MMA is legal in SWEDEN FFS! But not in NY? It's a joke :mrgreen:

Author:  SyMBi0TiK [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 12:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bill to Legalize MMA in NY Out of the Gate Early in Senate

i cant believe this is still going on...
how the government can stop people from (basically) playing a sport is beyond me...
these stupid politicians dont have to get in the cage so what do they care...?
how does this situation effect anyone except those in the mma world...?
and those are the people who want it to happen the most... plus the fans! :)
let people play whatever sport they want to wherever the fuck they want to...
why doesnt NY ban skydiving, car racing and skateboarding...?
they are just as, if not more dangerous...
plus... you could die or get injured just walking down the street...
im sure people would much prefer if they died doing what they love...
like me... im destined to be killed on my motorbike or eaten by a shark while scuba diving...
i could even fall onto some rocks while cliff jumping but at least i know the risks and make my own decisions...
the local council puts up signs saying "dont jump... serious injuries occur" but does that stop anyone...?
hells no... because we are all adults capable of making our own choices and accepting the dangers involved with our choices...
the government needs to stop fucking with and interfering in peoples lives... ~x(

Author:  JonnyMuzz [ Mon Mar 14, 2011 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bill to Legalize MMA in NY Out of the Gate Early in Senate

Yeah its absurd that MMA is illegal in NY in 2011.

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