Hi mate!
Got some tips for you.
Go to
C:\Documents and Settings\Dent\Application Data\uTorrent (Change 'Dent' for the name of the userprofile you use)
Copy the whole folder uTorrent and save it on an external device or so.
After reinstall install uTorrent and then go to the same location ...Application Data\uTorrent and paste in the content of the folder so that they are on their original place but on the new install.
If you have .torrentfiles aka the uTorrentfiles, and the material you are seeding on external HDD's, make a note of the drive letters (d:, f: etc) and after reinstall go to the discmanager in windows and change the driveletters to the same as they had before reinstall. That way uTorrent will find them if you did tip 1, and all you need to do is force recheck.
Try to make sure that you always change all the default folders in uTorrent to have other HDD's then c: as 'incomplete folder' and folders for .torrent files. That way you can reinstall and do tip 1 and 2 and its all you need to do really. The client will find the torrents and you just need to recheck.
I know that other people use other methods. You can save all the torrent files and then add them to an autoload folder etc, Im sure there are many ways. But above is how I do it.
If anybody else have other or better tips go ahead.
Good luck