
WE WANT YOU!! (Topic Now Closed)
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Author:  OU8121832 [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  WE WANT YOU!! (Topic Now Closed)


Author:  jnrpepaseed [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WE WANT YOU!! (Please Respond) (Prizes Awarded)

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Content: 8
Quality: 9
Speed: 9
Community: 10
Rarity: 7
Ease of maintaining account: 10
Torrent Longevity: 7
Staff: 10
Features: 9
Communication: 10

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Content: 9
Quality: 9
Speed: 9
Community: 9 (would be 10 if had more people posting in threads)
Rarity: 7
Layout: 8
Access: 10
Staff: 10
Features: 10

Ok, Now the hard part:

1) What do you think MMA-Torrents nickname should be?
The MMA Team... :D or The house that Gracie built... :roll:

2) What separates MMA-Torrents from other MMA related trackers?
The community and quality of torrents, there are always the newest events up quickly in the best formats and in the highest quality available. When i first joined the people were very nice and helpful, this was great as some other trackers i have been on its all been very cliquey. Staff here would answer any questions and post up a lot of great info in the forums. It is also nice to open your inbox to see news on fight events going on and not to receive mail from the trackers boss talking about needing donations for personal issues or law abiding difficulties.

3) What is your favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?
Its hard to say there are some real good ones like the radio but i am gonna have to say the competitions its good for the banter and makes the events that little bit more interesting when you are rooting for your fighter.

4) What is your least favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?
None really the IRC channel maybe as not been in there when anyone else has.

5) Describe briefly, yet detailed, your thoughts and feelings about MMA-Torrents" (A big picture Review, which should include at least 4 1 to 10 entries above) (This is the "Big One" and will have a large effect on prize winning)

MMA Torrents what can i say, when i first joined the site i thought it was just gonna be a place i came to and got hold some fights read some news and went. Well how wrong was i, MMA Torrents turned out to be more than just a site it was more of a network of great people with the same interests.
Don't get me wrong i have a lot of friends outside the internet but none of them apart from one shared my interest for UFC and MMA, so i never really got to talk about a sport i loved and knew about. After being on here a few weeks i started to speak to people in the forum and shout box, on many occasion members of the site or staff would be so helpful and friendly.
MMA torrents became my number one MMA site to come too, i didn't like the other sites you logged in got your torrent and went with no one even knowing you had been there, moving through the site like a cyber shadow.

The community and quality of torrents at MMA Torrents was and still is awesome, there are always the newest events up quickly in the best formats and in the highest quality available, this was great a tracker for MMA that had everything i needed and a great community unlike some other trackers i have been on its all been very cliquey.

If MMA Torrents was to stop i would be gutted sure i would be able to find other trackers but none with so many nice characters and efficient staff that ask for nothing but you follow the rules and keep a good ratio.
Its always great before a big event on the tracker or just after there is a sort of buzz around that helps build an event or there are people you can have banter with post event.

The torrents them self are always the best around and are always seeded with top speeds so it is never along wait to get your MMA fix, it is not just UFC, Strike force or Pride too, you can often find small event or events from europe on the tracker that you just cant see on terrestrial tv or satellite. Thanks to MMA torrents i have access to events i would not be able to see and now i have a network of friends across europe and the world who all share the same interests as me and are only a mouse click away if i need help or a friendly bit of banter.

Author:  VocalistSSP [ Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WE WANT YOU!! (Please Respond) (Prizes Awarded)

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Content: 8
Quality: 10
Speed: 9
Community: 6
Rarity: 7
Ease of maintaining account: 10
Torrent Longevity: 9
Staff: 10
Communication: 7

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Content: 6
Quality: 5
Speed: 5
Community: 7
Rarity: 3
Layout: 9
Access: 10
Staff: 9
Features: 5

Ok, Now the hard part:

1) What do you think MMA-Torrents nickname should be?

I don't think MMA-Torrents need a nick name, and as nothing would be original / fitting and MMA-Torrents is pretty easy to remember / say. You could use a tag line such as like "MMA Torrents: We have what you're looking for"

2) What separates MMA-Torrents from other MMA related trackers?

I would say the overall amount of different content, especially all the extras in the navigation pane. This place looks like it's trying to combine all aspects of an MMA fans experience, with a forum, a tracker, a news page, galleries, streams, youtube clips, ect.

3) What is your favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?

Simple and easy to use layout.

4) What is your least favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?

The color-scheme / lack of ability to change themes.

5) Describe briefly, yet detailed, your thoughts and feelings about MMA-Torrents" (A big picture Review, which should include at least 4 1 to 10 entries above) (This is the "Big One" and will have a large effect on prize winning)

The first thing to discuss in the big picture of this website is the speed and content of the tracker. Although I haven't been here very long, it looks like you were able to base the building of a community on the speed of your releases (earlier than most other trackers) and having a wide range of content including smaller events, tv shows, instructionals, etc.
It also looks like you've been working hard to slowly add things to help create a larger experience for the user, or have them spend more time here much like the forums, store, galleries, clips. As for the future I'm hoping that you will be able to keep up the strong release speed, and vast amount of content while slowly building up the forums and website to get more and more people active. At first I saw the amount of sections and assumed this was a very popular forum, but on further review it looked like it doesn't get to many threads started very often. If you can somehow improve this, preferably without a gimmick and keep from getting the flaming and obnoxious behavior at say Sherdog it would be awesome. This is going to require more moderators, and a group of decent posters starting out to attract others, but I look forward to seeing you try to accomplish this. Also going along with this, I would like to see some news posters discussing recent events, changes in cards, injuries, predictions, or a fantasy league type situation.

As I have begun to ramble, I'll try to summarize. What I perceive this tracker to be is a group of people who release fast, and cover nearly all the aspects of mma world of torrents. The community seems to be hit and runners, not in the leecher aspect, but that they may come here twice a week, download there torrents and go on their way. I hope you look for ways to change this and build up the community further / add more non torrent content.

6) Anything else we may have missed. (this one is not required)

Please add the option for different themes. Black and Orange kills me.
Thanks for reading even though I've only been here a little bit <3

Author:  noshelter [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WE WANT YOU!! (Please Respond) (Prizes Awarded)

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Ease of maintaining account:8
Torrent Longevity:8

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)


Ok, Now the hard part:

1) What do you think MMA-Torrents nickname should be?
if I HAD to choose one, "Fight Club" just because it's catchy

2) What separates MMA-Torrents from other MMA related trackers?
original releases, huge archive

3) What is your favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?

4) What is your least favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?
browsing torrents

5) Describe briefly, yet detailed, your thoughts and feelings about MMA-Torrents" (A big picture Review, which should include at least 4 1 to 10 entries above) (This is the "Big One" and will have a large effect on prize winning)
I think the selection of torrents here is amazing and it's impressive how long they stay active. However, a lot could be better in terms of search. It's a HUGE pain in the ass to not be able to sort specific categories by seeders, etc. The competitions are great, they keep me interested in every event. Speed is always good, even with old torrents. The banners on the homepage are great, but a choice of themes would be great.

6) Anything else we may have missed. (this one is not required)

Author:  Audiotroll [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WE WANT YOU!! (Please Respond) (Prizes Awarded)

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Content: 10
Quality: 9
Speed: 8
Community: 10
Rarity: 9
Ease of maintaining account: 10
Torrent Longevity: 80
Staff: 10 +
Features: 10
Communication: 10 +

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Content: 10
Quality: 9
Speed: 10
Community: 10
Rarity: 9
Layout: 9
Access: 10
Staff: 10
Features: 10

Ok, Now the hard part:

1) What do you think MMA-Torrents nickname should be? (Example "IPT";"SCC"; Etc.)

MMa people for life "MMaP4L" sounds nice in my head

2) What separates MMA-Torrents from other MMA related trackers?

The staff,and we the members,the nice feel and friendly peeps :)

3) What is your favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?

The browse function,divided in categories like it is,love it :)

4) What is your least favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?

dont have any complaints,theres things I dont use,butt I´m sure someone else does :)

5) Describe briefly, yet detailed, your thoughts and feelings about MMA-Torrents" (A big picture Review, which should include at least 4 1 to 10 entries above) (This is the "Big One" and will have a large effect on prize winning)

Breifly then,number 1-like 100 is the staff and all the nice members 10+ ,
friendly helpfull and plain nice people :)

I always want a faster download,sometimes things go a bit slower than I wish,
but I´m a stressed out person ;)

More important is that the torrents work,it´s not a problem but a bit of a downer those few times
something you donwload is not complete or something,only happend like 2-3 times since I joined,
over 1 year ago, so no complaiints really,just a tought.

but the communication whit staff is always flawless
and everything is most often fixed before I notice it was wrong,
if ther is any flaws at al, I dont notice them.

6) Anything else we may have missed. (this one is not required)

I miss the Web-TV thing, I´m lazy and it was nice to always have some
nice mma on whitout searching or downloadin,just push Play, I liked that

thanx for a great place here, I enjoy every minute of my stay.


Author:  cingred [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WE WANT YOU!! (Please Respond) (Prizes Awarded)

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Content: 10
Quality: 9
Speed: 10
Community: 8
Rarity: 10
Ease of maintaining account: 9
Torrent Longevity: 8
Staff: 9
Features: 5
Communication: 9

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Content: 7
Quality: 8
Speed: 7
Community: 8
Rarity: 7
Layout: 7
Access: 9
Staff: 9
Features: 7

Ok, Now the hard part:

1) What do you think MMA-Torrents nickname should be? (Example "IPT";"SCC"; Etc.)
MMA Torrents needs no nickname.

2) What separates MMA-Torrents from other MMA related trackers?
MMA torrents has members that contribute exclusively for the tracker and it is one of the biggest on the scene; this means that any and all great torrents are included here!!!

3) What is your favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?
The ability to search all your favorites through subject.

4) What is your least favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?
The VIP system; the time that you are VIP should last a bit longer.

5) Describe briefly, yet detailed, your thoughts and feelings about MMA-Torrents" (A big picture Review, which should include at least 4 1 to 10 entries above) (This is the "Big One" and will have a large effect on prize winning)
MMA-torrents is my exclusive source for MMA and martial arts related content; it has a great staff, contributing members, the torrent longevity is top notch and download speed is second-to-none.

Personally, I would like to see a "seed point" system implemented to give members a bit more incentive to seed torrents for longer and to get some credit for downloading and seeding torrents that have aged a bit. I would also put a category in with torrents that might be of interest many days down the road that are "PINNED" like a forum topic would be. Depending on the hits and downloads, these torrents could be put in this category so many members can enjoy them for longer.

6) Anything else we may have missed. (this one is not required)

Author:  kangnamwon [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WE WANT YOU!! (Please Respond) (Prizes Awarded)

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Content: 9
Quality: 10
Speed: 9
Community: 5
Rarity: 7
Ease of maintaining account: 10
Torrent Longevity: 7
Staff: 10
Communication: 7

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Content: 5
Quality: 6
Speed: 8
Community: 7
Rarity: 2
Layout: 6
Access: 10
Staff: 10
Features: 5

Ok, Now the hard part:

1) What do you think MMA-Torrents nickname should be?
Nickname for MMA-Torrents should be UMTN which stands for "Ultimate MMA Torrents Network" :P thats the best I could come up with lol

2) What separates MMA-Torrents from other MMA related trackers?

There are many many files that are found on other trackers but MMA-Torrents have a lot of exceptions. Example is Lyoto's release of CLASSIC DVD's like the PRIDE bushido releases and also the old school UFC DVD9's... I have yet to download cause my computers harddrive space SUCKS (80GB T^T)

3) What is your favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?

Definately its contents and great staff. oh! and the great wallpaper posters of every major event! its so cool :)

4) What is your least favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?

nothing really... if I have to say something.. maybe its too DARK????

5) Describe briefly, yet detailed, your thoughts and feelings about MMA-Torrents" (A big picture Review, which should include at least 4 1 to 10 entries above) (This is the "Big One" and will have a large effect on prize winning)

I just have to say that MMA-Torrents should let anybody upload any content to the website. Now of course this would not be safe so it shouldnt be available to the public AFTER it is checked by the staff before it is released. This way more contents will be available and there will be a lot more RARE files or footages that are long gone or offlined. Also this way the uploader could be awarded with more upload GB.

6) Anything else we may have missed. (this one is not required)

Please keep up the great work. All of the staff are doing a great job. Thank you Thank you Thank you

Author:  Dent [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WE WANT YOU!! (Please Respond) (Prizes Awarded)

Awesome to see some people jumping on this directly! Great idea, great subject ;)

I am looking forward to reading all of your opinions, its really exiting :)

Keep em coming guys, GB's to earn and time to make a difference!

Author:  jrhendrix [ Tue Feb 16, 2010 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WE WANT YOU!! (Please Respond) (Prizes Awarded)

Ok Ladies and Gentlemen,

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Quality: 9
Speed: 9
Community: 8
Rarity: 8
Ease of maintaining account: 9
Torrent Longevity: 6
Staff: 10
Features: 9

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Quality: 8
Speed: 10
Community: 7
Rarity: ?
Layout: 8
Access: 8
Staff: 10

Ok, Now the hard part:

[color=#FF8000]1) What do you think MMA-Torrents nickname should be? (Example "IPT";"SCC"; Etc.)

2) What separates MMA-Torrents from other MMA related trackers?
- Friendly and helpful staff who is out to make a better community (this questionnaire, itself, is evidence).
- No BS like poker.
- No BS spamming.

3) What is your favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?
- Petra :D
- Shoutbox, "Latest posts in forum", and the layout of "Latest Torrents".
- The extended community (even if I'm generally too busy to check-in).
- The contests are awesome and helps keep the site lively.
- The artwork and logos continually kick much ass.

4) What is your least favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?
- Petra :D
- This one is kinda hard. The staff has been very responsive and have gone out of their way to make sure useless features aren't indulged.

5) Describe briefly, yet detailed, your thoughts and feelings about MMA-Torrents" (A big picture Review, which should include at least 4 1 to 10 entries above) (This is the "Big One" and will have a large effect on prize winning)
- One of the best MMA trackers and online community on Teh Interwebs.
- It would be nice if the forums were more active. The contests have been a boost, but it seems most people only seem to view and respond to contest threads. I'm not sure how one would go about addressing that without trolling.
- It would be nice if torrents were seeded for longer periods of time and duplicates removed. There's nothing I hate more than starting a download, then someone else uploads the exact same thing and everyone leeches onto that one. It results in torrents I must seed forever (I've been seeding some for almost a year) or suffer the ratio hit.

Author:  Booiniowa [ Fri Feb 19, 2010 5:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WE WANT YOU!! (Please Respond) (Prizes Awarded)

I think you need to give some clarification on what you want in these first sections of 1 - 10.

- Do you want us to rate the importance of each of those things in a ranking from 1 through 10


- Do you want us to give ratings on how good the site is in each of those areas. In other words, if we thought each of those areas were perfect, we would give them all a rating of 10.

OU8121832 wrote:

Ok The easy part first:

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)

Ease of maintaining account:
Torrent Longevity:

These are 1 through 10 (1 = lowest and 10 = highest)


Ok, Now the hard part:

1) What do you think MMA-Torrents nickname should be? (Example "IPT";"SCC"; Etc.)

2) What separates MMA-Torrents from other MMA related trackers?

3) What is your favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?

4) What is your least favorite feature of MMA-Torrents?

5) Describe briefly, yet detailed, your thoughts and feelings about MMA-Torrents" (A big picture Review, which should include at least 4 1 to 10 entries above) (This is the "Big One" and will have a large effect on prize winning)

6) Anything else we may have missed. (this one is not required)

Edit: For Nickname Question Clarity

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