
Wittman is going to 'step away' from any fighter enhancing
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Author:  NiN505 [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Wittman is going to 'step away' from any fighter enhancing

"I look at it as white and black, like you're still doing an enhancing kind of thing. But if the doctor okays it, does that make it right? I don't know. That's something I can't explain, but I'll tell you what I'm doing now, and that's sit down with every fighter I deal with and find out if they're seeing a doctor and for what reason. If it's anything that has to do with enhancing, then I'm going to step away. I don't care what you put in your system. I don't care who you hire to do your nutrition. It comes down to, you got two men in the ring. You might break your hand in there. Well, you've got to overcome the broken hand. You might have a bad weight cut and you still have to get the last five pounds off, even if it's unhealthy. I don't care. Those are excuses that go out the window the moment the close the cage door. You might have the flu a week and a half before. Fine. This is the fight game. This is what you deal with. You deal with injuries. You deal with illness. You deal with getting older. That's the game."

----- With B.J. Penn calling out coaches for facilitating performance enhancing drug (PED) usage and Nate Marquardt's recent outing as a member of the testosterone replacement thearapy (TRT) club, you knew it was just a matter of time before someone went and asked "The Great" coach, Trevor Wittman, a few questions. Sure enough, caught up with the head trainer of Grudge and got his opinion on the subject that's taken over the mixed martial arts world. The final verdict? He doesn't agree with TRT and he will, or so he says, sit down with all the fighters he presides over and figure out if anyone is taking anything that can be considered "enhancing." If they are, it's bye-bye, buddy, find a new place to train. In the full article, he also questions exactly how useful PED's are, essentially saying they aren't giving that much of a boost, anyway, so why try your luck taking them? Dealing with adversity is a part of the game, but giving yourself an edge through artificial means is wrong and he's apparently not going to stand for anymore. Are we going to see more coaches institute policies like this in the future? Or is Wittman saying this to save face now that his fighter has been outed and he's under the microscope? Opinions, please.

Source: UFC Quick Quote: Nate Marquardt coach Trevor Wittman is going to 'step away' from any fighter who is 'enhancing'

Author:  Dent [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wittman is going to 'step away' from any fighter enhancing

::cheers:: nice thanks for the update! (*)

Author:  jnrpepaseed [ Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wittman is going to 'step away' from any fighter enhancing

yeah baby

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