
Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy
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Author:  NiN505 [ Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy

Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy for UFC on Versus 4 scratch


Nate Marquardt and Chael Sonnen have much more in common than a fight at UFC 109.

Marquardt revealed today that he, too, suffers from a testosterone deficiency for which he took prescribed testosterone and sought a therapeutic exemption to continue his career.

That exemption, as it turns out, proved to be his undoing at UFC on Versus 4. When Marquardt's levels of testosterone were too high the day prior to the event to meet the Pennsylvania State Athletic Commission's standards for licensure, he was not medically cleared to fight.

Marquardt explained the unfortunate circumstances during Tuesday's edition of "The MMA Hour" on He and his representatives had declined comment until the appearance on the program.

Marquardt said he first noticed a change in his health this past August and received clearance from his primary doctor to undergo hormone replacement therapy. He added that the New Jersey State Athletic Control Board, which oversaw his previous bout against Dan Miller at UFC 128, approved his testosterone therapy.

Following Marquardt's removal from this past Sunday's card, PAC Executive Director Greg Sirb told ( that the fighter had been placed on indefinite medical suspension until he met the state's requirements for licensure. While he declined to discuss the details of the suspension, he added that Marquardt had been given six weeks to resolve the issue which caused it.

"He needs to show us a new report," Sirb said. "When that report comes in and he meets our requirements, which could even be tomorrow, we'll take him off. It could be two months, but it's an indefinite suspension until he submits that report we're looking for."

Prior to today's disclosure, rumors had run wild about the circumstances surrounding Marquart's denial, which prompted UFC president Dana White to permanently fire him from the UFC. Initial speculation pointed to a weight-cutting problem, as it was the fighter's first appearance at welterweight. Then, predictably, talk shifted to possible performance-enhancer use and a possible failed drug test.

Those rumors were shot down when a video shot during Marquardt's weight cut showed him making the 170-pound limit without issue, and Sirb's disclosure that the fighter had not popped positive prior to the event.

Marquardt was replaced just hours before the weigh-ins for UFC on Versus 4 by Charlie Brenneman, who ended up winning a huge upset victory over the highly touted Rick Story.

During the "UFC on Versus 4 Pre-Fight Show," a statement was released by Marquardt and his representatives.

"Nate wants to apologize to his family, friends and fans of the UFC," the statement read. "This outcome was certainly not what he wanted. At this time, Nate wants to be with those closest to him so he can evaluate his situation over the coming days."

Sonnen, who outpointed Marquardt at UFC 109, was suspended by the California State Athletic Commission following his submission loss to Anderson Silva at UFC 117. In an appeal of the suspension, he revealed his use of prescribed testosterone as a treatment for hypogonadism and argued that he had properly disclosed his use to the commission. His suspension was later halved from one year to six months, and he was fined $2,500.

Marquardt was 6-3 as a middleweight before deciding to drop to the welterweight division.

Source: Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy for UFC on Versus 4 scratch

Author:  SyMBi0TiK [ Tue Jun 28, 2011 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy

what an idiot... 8-|
he had 6 weeks to fix it... L-)
i dont know much but that sounds doable... :-??

Author:  Dent [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy

...suffers from a testosterone deficiency...

my five thought about this...

1. He suffers from lack of intelligence, nothing else.

2. He and Sonnen are cheaters, call it "suffer from..." or whatever you like, they do not belong in the sport.

3. Let this be a clear signal that "call it what you want, steroids are not accepted in UFC, period.", so if you are planning on using them, dont, or loose your job."

4. Im glad I dont have to see that idiot in UFC again.

5. Covard for not telling the fans what really happend -> Im not athlete enough to compete at this level so I cheated and got caught.

Author:  tapiahome [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy

^^^agreee 100%.

good riddance.

Author:  NiN505 [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy

I am sort of of two minds to this.
While I am conflicted to this I am not going to go as far as calling him a straight up cheater.

I do think he did turn a blind eye and should've done more to question his doctors actions. But on the other hand he is a certified doctor so should you put a level of trust confided to him? Also it should be said that his management team DID NOT do the appropriate action and wasn't looking out for his best interest i.e. letting the doctor NOT USADA approved and approved TRT. And that was the biggest key point I thought. Yes Marquardt fucked up but much of it was product of not questioning and pursuing other alternative solutions and poor very poor management.

I for one am not as much against steroids - as many but they are ILLEGAL for a reason. Let's not all think that this sport (or all sports for that matter) are clean sports. You can very well use it during your training camp and as the fight approaches get off at a specific time. I do think that it should be used in that manner - I'm against the HGH component where at this point it is all about science and not work but if you can train twice as hard during camp then sure why not but as of now it is illegal and people should abide to that.

Still though a huge double standard to what Chael Sonnen did only I thought was worse with lying to Athletic Commisions and guess what? He was not fired...

Author:  NiN505 [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 9:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy

Funny timing now that Sonnen is free to apply for his license again as well

Author:  coenvg [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy

that might have to do with Sonnens marketability ...
or with the fact that Marquard had been catched once before

Author:  Dent [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy

Im heavily against steroid usage and Im defenitely biass. But its just the way I am. I simply dont like that nor doctors or athletes use them. Of course I am intelligent enough to understand that some medical conditions require steroids to be cured properly, but if you are an athlete and have one of these conditions you should consider another career. Specially if you are a fighter "suffering" from lack of testo. Which sounds like pure bulls*it to me...

I respect all opinions though ;) Im not "right", Im just saying what I think.

Regarding Sonnen. Personally I never ever wanna see him again in a cage and would defenitely not attend an event that he was on the card on.

Author:  NiN505 [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy

Agreed Dent.
If the whole world has the same opinion it will get quite boring wouldn't it?

As for Sonnen I get the marketability but it is nevertheless a double standard.

Author:  Dent [ Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Nate Marquardt blames hormone replacement therapy

Yes I can see what you mean with Sonnens markeability, but Im not sure his big mouth is enough if he doesnt perform well next fight, and pass the tests of course hehe. And yes, it is double standard if Sonnen gets to get back in UFC.

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