
Fedor Emelianenko: The Greed Behind the Enchanted Fantasy
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Author:  Dent [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Fedor Emelianenko: The Greed Behind the Enchanted Fantasy


“The truth is often avoided because it is ugly and unpleasant. Never appeal to truth and reality unless you are prepared for the anger that comes from disenchantment. Life is so harsh and distressing that people who can manufacture romance or conjure up fantasy are like oasis in the desert: Everyone flocks to them. There is great power in tapping into the fantasies of the masses.”

You may want to sit down for this one…

To say that Fedor “The Last Emperor” Emelianenko is the type of fighter who inspires mixed feelings throughout the MMA Community would be a tremendous understatement indeed.

The “Haters” insist that Fedor is nothing more than an over-hyped, Russian fairy tale who avoids the UFC for fear of being exposed as a total fraud.

The “Maniacs” (the term “fans” just doesn’t do Fedor worshippers justice) believe that Fedor holds God-like powers such as the ability to “farmer’s hankerchief” lightning bolts from his nostrils, and is without question the greatest fighter that ever was, and the greatest fighter that there will ever be.

Personally, I’m still trying to sort through all of the nonsense, which can be quite excruciating at times. I have listened to both sides of the fence in an attempt to make up my own mind but quite frankly; neither side seems capable of making a very compelling argument, in my opinion.

Hmmm…how will this debate ever be settled?

Well, one only needs to look as far as Fedor’s peers to find the true answer—but remember, actions speak louder than words.

For starters, consider the great lengths and sacrifices that many of these professional fighters have gone through to fight guys that they have perceived to be the very best.

It has bordered on the insane.

So then, wouldn’t you think that at least one of them—no wait…scratch that!—ALL of them, would be more than willing to leave the UFC for the opportunity to fight the “best in the world?”

Seems like a no-brainer.

It’s not as though the UFC pays their fighters heaps of money (just ask Shane Carwin), and even if they did, it’s not supposed to be about the money, is it?

Carwin recently said on his blog that he doesn’t fight for the money—he fights because he loves it.

Sounds pretty righteous.


This coming from a man who is guaranteed to take home no less than $40,000 in a week from now just for showing up for work. Not bad for a day’s pay.

If fighting the best of the best is the greater priority, then why wouldn’t Carwin (as an example) and so many others in the UFC make their way over to Strikeforce in order to fight Fedor, if Fedor is refusing to come to the UFC?

Fedor may not be the impact fighter that he once was, but he’s still the best, isn’t he?

Or is he?

Here’s a thought for Mr. Carwin—after he loses to Brock Lesnar at UFC 116 (that’s right, I said it!), perhaps he should consider signing with Strikeforce, particularly if his career is about more than just the money. That way, he could fight the best in the world, right?

In other words—put up or shut up.

Heck, I’ll personally make the call to Scott Coker on his behalf. I am quite confident that Mr. Coker would love to have Carwin as a part of his organization, and who knows, he might even be in a position to pay him close to what the UFC is paying him.

But don’t worry big guy, we get it—that doesn’t matter to you.

And speaking of money…

A recent report came out by M-1 that Fedor doesn’t need to fight in the UFC because he’s already the highest paid athlete in MMA thanks to his deal with M-1 and Strikeforce.

Wait…I’m confused…so it IS about the money? Is that to say that if Fedor weren’t already rich beyond his wildest dreams that he would actually consider fighting in the UFC?

Forget about what the fans want I guess—Fedor doesn’t “need” the money. Perhaps that will be his legacy.

Oh wait…that’s right, Fedor apparently doesn’t care about his legacy either. What public figure [slash] professional athlete [slash] aspiring politician (liar) would?

None that I can think of ;)

There’s a reason that Fedor doesn’t depict himself as a guy who cares too much about his own legacy (or anything else for that matter) and it has nothing to do with being humble.

The perception of “humble” quickly and easily translates into fan respect. Only it’s a phoney interpretation.

It would seem that Fedor and the UFC have more in common with each other then we’ve all come to realize. Here’s what I think that Fedor and his travelling circus management team have figured out:

“Disdain things that you cannot have—ignoring them is the best revenge. The more attention you pay an enemy, the stronger you make him. If there is something that you want but cannot have, show contempt for it. The less interest you reveal, the more superior you seem.”

The real proof that Fedor isn’t the best probably lies in the simple fact that UFC fighters are indescribably loyal to a company that has been known to fire its employees after only one or two disappointing losses, also known as “the inevitable.”

Who wouldn’t want to stay loyal to a company like that?

Oh what an honour and a privilege to be fired by the all-mighty UFC.

Too bad for Fedor, he’ll never find out. He simply doesn’t need the money.

How’s that for appalling motivation?

These are my opinions. If you don’t like them…I have others. Check them out at

Source: ... d-fantasy/

Author:  coenvg [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fedor Emelianenko: The Greed Behind the Enchanted Fantasy

These are my opinions. If you don’t like them…I have others. Check them out at
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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